Stone Mart
Stone Mushroom Fountain For Home In Production

CODE NO.: 8620


Stone mushroom fountain for home in production at one of the manufacturing units of Stonemart™. 

Check out this masterpiece in its final form here-

Indoor water fountain currently in the making at one of the production units at Stonemart™. The masterpiece is ready to be ordered as stone water fountain online in India from the most trusted brand of the stone industry in India i.e. Stonemart™. Just look at the precision with which the cutting of the natural rainbow sandstone surface is done by hands. The unique surface of this special stone is known to change its color when comes in contact with the fountain water. 

This stone mushroom water feature can be brought with a submersible water pump of Indian standard that circulates the water to and fro to create the most surreal and enchanting effect. Place the order for this fountain for living room and let us join hands to offer patronage to our native Indian sculptors to help them earn their bread and butter with self-esteem. 

πŸ›’To order, WhatsApp 9413348979
