Highly impressive in terms of height, craftwork, quality and utility, the depiction of abhaya mudra is done by the fifth dhyani Buddha known as, Amoghasiddhi. As per the Buddhist scriptures, he is also regarded as the Lord of Karma and the blessings of this dhyani Buddha provides the immunity against the delusion of jealousy, fear and uncertainties.
The presence of this abhaya mudra statue during meditation can help transform jealousy into wisdom and fear into confidence through enlightenment.
This sandstone statue is Indian-made, brand new and hand carved by the sculptors with decades of respect and recognition in the job.
This Buddha statue 5 feet high is the most preferred alternative to the cheap import statues made up of wood, ceramic, resin, or plastic across the globe.
This big Buddha statue for home is naturally weather resistant and carry algae proof properties. It comes in dual layer protective bubble wrap and wooden crate at the time of delivery. It is best suited especially for gardens, farmhouses, spacious living rooms, offices, restaurants, villas, hotels, meditation centres, spas, and other exterior and interior decor needs.