CODE NO.: 6695
This 3 feet Buddha fountain for the garden is unique in itself. Here, the marble Buddha fountain has been adorned with a heavily embossed snail crown, the textured robe covering the whole body and the Buddha carrying a natural stone pitcher in the hand in the shape of lotus petals. It functions as a fountain mouth with the water flowing down to a large padmasana lotus base tank with an exclusive three level petal layering. This marble Buddha water fountain can help you fulfill new levels of calmness and serenity and also inspires you to meditate. Besides, it bestows a unique layer of elegance and positive vibes to your residential or commercial landscape.
We have a strict policy against stock images and never use them to trick prospective clients which most of the other websites tend to do. We only display our own 100% original, 'made in India' product that we intend to sell or already sold to our local and international clients. A fabulous choice for home, entrances, balcony, gardens, public parks, luxury villas, farmhouses, office areas, clubs, hotels, real estate societies, restaurants, resorts, hospitals, academic institutions, rehabilitation centers, etc. Installation of the set-up is very easy and does not require any civil work to get the placement done.
Let's have a look at characteristics of this exclusive Buddha water fountain: