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What is the Difference Between an Abhaya Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue?

What is the Difference Between an Abhaya Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue?

Natural stone Buddha statues are a formidable source of positive aura and unparalleled energy. We buy Buddha statues online portraying different kinds of mudras of the Buddha. It is imperative to know that different types of Buddha statues release different kinds of auras. 

For instance, a fearless abhaya mudra Buddha statue would offer different types of Vastu and Feng-Shui benefits when compared to reclining Buddha statue

Here, we will shed spotlight on certain key distinctions between two of the most popular mudras of the lord Buddha. So the next time when you decide to order Buddha statue online, it is significant to learn which type of Buddha statues offer the desired merit to your Vastu prerequisites and décor aesthetics well in advance. 

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The following table helps us segregate some of the key differences between abhaya Buddha and reclining Buddha statues - 

Criterion Abhaya Mudra Buddha Reclining Mudra Buddha
Origin The origin of this mudra is associated with the Buddha named Amoghasiddhi who took this fearless posture in front of a raging elephant named Nalagiri plotted by Buddha’s cousin Devdutta to kill him. Also known as the blessing mudra of the Buddha, it assuaged the elephant and the Buddha granted him his refuge and patronage. Reclining Buddha, also known as sleeping mudra of the Buddha is associated with one of the most poignant episodes of Buddha’s life. The mudra symbolizes the final moments of the Buddha before he attained parinirvana and permanently left the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Appearance It is the blessing mudra of the Buddha and normally portrayed in a sitting posture with the right hand placed outward to the chest height in aashirwad mudra with the palm slightly tilted towards the bearer. As the name indicates, here the Buddha is laying in reclining posture with the head slightly tilted upwards with an asana and the right hand functioning as the base. There is a composed and serene smile on his face as the Buddha successfully emancipated himself from the mortal life-cycle and about to attain salvation.
Vastu and Feng Shui Effects The presence of fearless Buddha statue brings confidence and fearlessness in the bearer to help keep anxiety, fear, stress and negativity at bay. Though the manifestation of the final hours of the Buddha, the presence of this statue brings peace and harmony to your home.
Placement Preferably placed at the entrance facing east to dispel negative vibes and energies from the vicinity. It is recommended to place it towards the right facing west, preferably upon console or shelf.

MUST READ: What is the Difference Between a Bhumisparsha Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue?

The table drawn above clearly reveals some of the prominent and key differences between an abhay mudra Buddha statue and reclining mudra Buddha statue. It is the time to order 100% hand carved natural stone Buddha sculptures made from single blocks of granite, marble and sandstone. Natural stone statues are naturally free of impurities and considered perfect in terms Vastu and Feng Shui placements. Whether you are planning to order black marble Buddha statues, white marble Buddha statues, sandstone Buddha statues and Buddha fountains in diverse mudras. 

Confirm the orders for natural stone 2 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 3 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 4 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 5 feet Buddha statue and get flabbergasted by the most elegant collection of 100% authentic ISO 9001:2015 and CE certified Buddha Ji statues. Visit Stonemart™ India and witness yourself what the luxury Buddha collection of international series would actually looks like!